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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Multi Objective Optimization of Cutting Parameter in EDM Using Grey Taguchi Method
D. Venkatesh Naik | Dr. D. R. Srinivasan
Abstract: In present days non-conventional machining method plays an incredible role in producing industries. To attain the extremely correct, finished product with smart quality and to create the complex shapes, non-conventional machining like discharge machining (EDM) is employed to face up to the competition and to fulfill the stress within the trade. The parts of automotive industry, aerospace and surgical instruments can be finished by Electrical discharge machining. The target of this venture is to enhance the machining parameters in kick the die sinking EDM with a specific end goal to capable the best parameter to get the high MRR and low Surface Roughness (SR). In present the work piece is AISI 316 stainless steel material and Copper terminal with 9.9mm distance across are utilized to direct the trials by differing the control variables, for example, Discharge current (Ip), Pulse on time (Ton) and Duty cycle (%). Process reactions, for example, MRR and SR are resolved for each test run. With a base measure of experimentation Taguchi's L9 orthogonal exhibit (OA) is utilized to consider the reaction of control variables with fluctuating levels in commercial tool MINITAB 17. To get the improved results independently for process reactions, Taguchi single objective advancement is utilized. Grey Taguchi multi objective improvement method is utilized to focus the mix of ideal levels of control components
Keywords: EDM, MRR, SR, MINITAB 17, Grey Taguchi
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1091 - 1095
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