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Research Paper | Hematology | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Evaluation of False + ve Cases & Diagnostic Accuracy of Abbotts CELL-DYN RUBY for Diagnosis of Malaria Parasite
Abstract: Background Malaria is a parasitic disease world wide distributed with a high morbidity and mortality. A rapid and accurate method is needed to detect the presence of malaria parasites in blood. Automatically generated alert could improve the detection capacity of these instruments and potentially expand their clinical utility in malaria diagnosis. Methodology & Results The total Sample size was 275 cases. The blood samples were run in abbotts Cell-Dyn Ruby. The Sensitivity = 94.90 %, Specificity = 95 %, Positive predictive value = 97 % & Negative predictive value = 91 % Conclusion Cell-Dyn Ruby has high sensitivity & specificity in detection of malarial parasite & even can be utilized in therapeutic monitoring of malaria patients. The flag / Alert ATYP DEP does not always means malaria infection because Ruby can give some false positive results due to certain drugs & few false negative results. The accuracy for malaria diagnosis may vary according to species, parasite load, immunity and clinical context where the method is applied. The Alert/ flag ATYP DEP should be used in conjunction with Platelet count, frequency of atypical depolarization & Clinical symptoms. This combined correlation can yield a high diagnostic accuracy & probably give 100 % sensitivity & specificity.
Keywords: Automated analyzer, Sensitivity, Specificity, Haemozoin, Malaria Parasite
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1232 - 1234
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