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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
A Survey on Privacy Preservation and sharing Data Securely in Cloud Storage
Manoj. S. Tore | S. K. Sonkar [4]
Abstract: Cloud computing provides a way to store and share users data over cloud storage. But it is very unsecure to share data over an untrusted cloud. It can expose user privacy to other cloud users and also there is issue of integrity of users shared data. Various people worked on these issues and proposed various approaches to preserve users privacy and data integrity. A secure multi-owner data sharing technique is proposed which is used for dynamic groups in the cloud. Group signature and dynamic broadcast encryption techniques are proposed so that any cloud user can share data with others anonymously. In this paper we will review various techniques which used for preserving privacy and share data securely in cloud storage
Keywords: cloud computing, privacy preservation, security, cloud storage, data sharing
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1358 - 1361
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