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Research Paper | Earth Science and Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Litho-Structural Mapping of Sind Catchment (Kashmir Basin), NW Himalaya, using Remote Sensing & GIS Techniques
Syed Ahmad Ali | Umair Ali
Abstract: Litho-structural mapping in an inaccessible rugged and mountainous region like the Himalaya has frequently been a great challenge for geologists. In the present study, litho-structural mapping was carried out based on enhancement and interpretation of IRS LISS-III data by the application of remote sensing and GIS technology. Different band combinations (421, 432 etc) of the image are applied for visual image interpretation to digitize the rock boundaries while as Sobel and Laplacian filtering techniques are utilized for lineament mapping. The results of this study demonstrate that the processing and interpretation of IRS LISS III data set can be employed as a powerful tool to improve lithological discrimination, highlight the lineaments and enhance the overall mapping performance in the rugged and hilly terrain like Himalaya.
Keywords: Remote sensing, GIS, Lithology, Structure, Lineament, FCC, Laplacian, Sobel
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1325 - 1330
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