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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Multipath Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks Using Hypercube Based Social Feature
Prajakta B. Bhosale | H. A. Hingoliwala [11]
Abstract: In our day to day life it has now become very important to send or receive data over large distance within limited time and to process this for further use. The delay tolerant networks gives facility for this type data sending and receiving methods using different protocols and various types of networks using various routing strategies. This consist study of existing methods for routing in delay tolerant networks. We propose the algorithm for routing which obtains confidence and reliability of nodes in network. Formulating confidence the best nodes are chosen to send data from source to destination in order to reduce delay, delivery rate and latency.
Keywords: delay, packet delivery rate, delay tolerant network, latency, social feature
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1699 - 1703
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