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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
ISRV: Intrusion Detection, Selection of Counter Measures and Recovery of Virtual Network Systems
Vinod Kumar [39] | Syeda Asra | Yallappa Meti
Abstract: A considerable lot of the computer infrastructure are progressively vulnerable to attacks (assaults), since intrusion detection is essential however shockingly deficient. So we have to design and implement a powerful detection and reaction techniques to bypass intrusions when they are detected. This intrusion and detection strategy is in view of distinctive sorts of counter-measures. The principle thought is to design and develop a decision support tool to help the administrator to pick the suitable counter-measure when an intrusion is detected. Cloud computing is another developing strategy in computer oriented services. This framework have some distributed system, as per these likenesses of cloud computing additionally utilizes the components of virtual networking environment. And it provides the Data recovery of the Cloud Server when attacker attacks the Cloud, here it uses the basic data recovery algorithm by taking the backup of Cloud Server.
Keywords: Network security, cloud computing, intrusion detection, attack graph, zombie detection, Data recovery
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1689 - 1692
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