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Research Paper | Gynaecology | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
A Clinicopathological Correlation of Pap Smear Findings in Gynecological Cases: A Retrospective Study
Kalpana Singh [7] | Anshu Singh [7]
Abstract: Aim The present study is intended to detect the significance of epithelial cell abnormalities (ECA) identified during cervical smear screening and correlate it with clinical findings. Materials and methods Detailed clinical data and pap smear cytology was obtained of 1000 patients attending obstetrics and gynaecology O. P. D between 2014 -2015 with various gynecological problems. All the smears were reported as per the 2001 Bethesda system. Results Among 1000 screened patients 108 (10.8 %) patients showed abnormal findings. Age group of 40-49 yrs showed 38.8 % abnormal reports. Among them 10 (9.25 %) having LSIL and 8 (7.4 %) having ASCUS. Age group 30-39 yrs 25 (25.14 %) showed abnormal results. In this group 12 (11.11 %) showing LSIL and 10 (9.25 %) having ASCUS in their reports. ASCUS H was in 10 (9.25 %) cases and AGUS was in 5 (4.6 %). LSIL was present in 35 (32.40 %) smears and HSIL contributing only 10 (9.25 %) of cases. Conclusion Need of widespread public awareness programmes for early detection and treatment of cervical cancer. Health education, screening and follow up of the patients should be part of health programmes.
Keywords: Aim The present study is intended to detect the significance of epithelial cell abnormalities ECA identified during cervical smear screening and correlate it with clinical findings Materials and methods Detailed clinical data and pap smear cytology was obtained of 1000 patients attending obstetrics and gynaecology OPD between 2014 -2015 with various gynecological problems All the smears were reported as per the 2001 Bethesda system Results Among 1000 screened patients 108 108 % patients showed abnormal findings Age group of 40-49 yrs showed 388 % abnormal reports Among them 10 925 % having LSIL and 8 74 % having ASCUS Age group 30-39 yrs 25 2514 % showed abnormal results In this group 12 1111 % showing LSIL and 10 925 % having ASCUS in their reports ASCUS H was in 10 925 % cases and AGUS was in 5 46 %LSIL was present in 35 3240 % smears and HSIL contributing only 10 925 % of cases Conclusion Need of widespread public awareness programmes for early detection and treatment of cervical cancer Health education, screening and follow up of the patients should be part of health programmes
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1645 - 1647
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