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Research Paper | Biochemistry Science | Egypt | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Biochemical Studies on the Effect of Some Biofertilizers on the Chemical Constituents in Wheat Grains
Refaat A. Saber | Abed ALAziz L. Sharaf
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted at Gazala Farm to study the effect of some biofertilizer, power max, citreen and Ectavol on the yield and some biochemical constituents in wheat grains. These results can be summarized as following, All treatments increased the grain yield of both varieties, Gimmaz-11 and sids-12, but using Ectavol treatment is more effective than those of other treatment. The foliar application of power max treatments gave the highest value of total nitrogen in wheat grains. The variation of proteins fractions, Globulin and Albumin did not show clear trend especially in case of Gimmaza-l0 cultivars. Power max treatments increased the content of amino acids, while, Citreen and Ectavol treatments decreased the most of amino acids. All treatments caused slightly increased the total soluble sugars of wheat grains. foliar application of Ectavol gave the highest increase of total carbohydrate and starch content of wheat grains. The highest increase of disaccharides (maltose and sucrose) resulted by citreen and Ectavol treatments. All treatment has a little decreasing effect on water adsorption dough development and stability time of dough in flour wheat grain. Phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium were increased by foliar application of some biofertilizers. The highest increase of these elements resulted by Ectavol treatment.
Keywords: Wheat Grains, Biofertilizers, Ectavol, power max, citreen
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 2622 - 2626
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