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Research Paper | Astronomy Science | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Why there is An Absolute Constancy in the Speed of Light
Abstract: Two most influential theories of twentieth century, that completely changed the traditional Newtonian view of the space and the physical time. These two most influential theories are Einsteins General Theory of Relativity and the Quantum Mechanics. At the beginning of twentieth century, these two physical theories are formulated. Almost one hundred years to be passed since these two theories are formulated, and still we are trying to incorporate these two theories with some other ingredients to form a unifying theory- The Theory of Everything that can describe all possible observations of the physical Universe. While the General Theory of Relativity predicts that the four dimensional space-time is not flat and the physical time has a shape, the distribution of matter and energy in the Universe curves or wraps the four dimensional space-time. The celestial bodies try to follow the straight line paths but because the space-time is not a flat, the bodies paths appear to be bent. It also predicts that gravity is distortion of the space-time due to uneven and irregular distribution of matter and energy. It already been discovered that light does not reach to observers instantaneously, rather it travels at a certain fixed speed of 186, 000 miles per second or 300, 000 kilometers per second which is an absolute constant, no matter at what speed the observers or the source is moving at, the speed of light is always the same to an observer, an absolute constancy it has. How this can be an absolutely universal truth The General Theory of Relativity also predicts that the speed of light is the universal speed limit of the Universe, which in fact means that nothing can exceed the speed of light. Then, what are the reasons or causes of the speed of light to be at absolute constancy The Universe must be very fine tuned to deal with all constants to diminish the uncertainty principle to have one and unique history and also one and unique future as counter part of one and unique history. The independency of the source or the observers and an absolute constancy of the speed of light are supporting the concept of the unique history and unique future. Thus, dealing with constants indicates the prediction of determinism is absolutely valid because God does not play dice.
Keywords: The general theory of relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Uncertainty Principle, the universal speed limit, the theory of determinism
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1704 - 1707
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