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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Scalable and Secure Sharing in Cloud Computing Using Data Manipulation & Encryption
Aakanksha Maliye | Sarita Patil [2]
Abstract: Personal health record is using for maintaining the patients personal and diagnoses information using one centralize server. Under the health information exchange server PHR is an emerging patient centric data model which is supposed to be outsources on the third party servers like cloud servers. The security scheme are mostly used for provide security of personal health record form public access at online. In this paper used encryption method is a promising method to assure patients control over their own PHRs before outsourcing. Few such issues like privacy concern, scalability, flexibility and efficient user revocation are remained the most important challenges. To achieve secured and scalable data access control for PHRs, in this paper leverage attribute based encryption technique to encrypt each patients PHR file. Different from existing system in secure data outsourcing, in this paper focus on the multiple data owner scenario in PHR system into multiple security domain that greatly reduce the key management complexity for owners & users. The paper is also enables user revocation on dynamic modification of access policies or file attribute.
Keywords: Cloud computing, data privacy, personal health records, attribute-based encryption, file based encryption, attribute revocation
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1877 - 1881
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