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Comparative Studies | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Comparison of Image Fusion Technique with Special reference to Information Content
Rashmi P. Jogiya | Sunil R. Gupta
Abstract: There is many image fusion methods which are used to produce high resolution multispectral images from high resolution panchromatic image and low resolution multispectral images. This paper deals with review on the different image fusion technique for a remote sensed image and the information content of image. In this paper the different image fusion techniques used are HIS transform, BROVEY transform and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) transform. And the information quantification methods of the image are Entropy, Spectral Similarity index and Feature Similarity index.
Keywords: Brovey, PCA, FSIM, SSIM
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1816 - 1821
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Pages: 3317 - 3320Face Recognition Using the Concept of Principal Component Analysis
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