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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Automation of Tollgate and Vehicle Tracking System
Priyanka.V | Punitha.S.P | Keerthika.K
Abstract: Automation of Toll Gate and Vehicle Tracking System is designed to automatically keep track of the vehicles movement, record the time and the details like Owners name, contact details, vehicle registration number, vehicle model etc. A computerized system automatically identifies an approaching vehicle and records the vehicle details. RFID-based automation of Toll gate and vehicle tracking system is designed to automatically process the toll gate system without any manual power. This system is very useful for automatic bomb detection, vehicle monitoring, time management and also for automation of payment system. In this paper, we propose an automatic system of toll gate for monitoring and controlling the entry of vehicle. This RFID-based system automatically records time and the details of vehicles entry time, owners name, mobile number and vehicle model etc. A passive RFID tag is used to have information about the vehicle registration number etc. And also read by RFID reader which is located at computerized system. An IR communication is proposed to count the number of vehicles which enters the toll gate. In this system, a computerized system automatically checks the details like vehicle owners name, vehicle registration number and mobile number etc. If the vehicle belongs to the authorized person/group it automatically opens the Toll gate. A proximity sensor is used to detect the presence of weapons in the vehicle without any physical contact with the object. A pre-determined amount will be automatically deducted from vehicle owners account and it will be shortly intimated to the user by short message service. This automation of Toll gate and vehicle tracking system is proposed to increase the traffic control in a very efficient and effective manner.
Keywords: GSM, IR sensor, Proximity sensors, RFID, Tollgate
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1782 - 1785
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