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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
A Secure Information Hiding Approach in Cloud Using LSB
Mudasir Ahmed Muttoo | Pooja Ahlawat
Abstract: The continuous development of cloud computing is giving way to more cloud services, due to which security of cloud services, especially data privacy protection, becomes more critical. This research work explores the basic features of data mining techniques in cloud computing and securing the data. The status of the development of cloud computing security, the data privacy analysis, security auditing, data monitoring and other challenges that the cloud computing security faces have been explored. The recent researches on data protection regarding security and privacy issues in cloud computing have partially addressed some issues. The implementation of data mining techniques through cloud computing encourages the users to extract meaningful hidden predictive information from virtually integrated data warehouse that reduces the costs of storage and infrastructure.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, data security, Knowledge Discovery
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1771 - 1776
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