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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Survey on Privacy Preserving and Data Security Techniques
Pramila Kharat | Amar Buchade [2]
Abstract: In day to day life cloud computing is most promising and widely used technology. As it provides infrastructure, platform and software as a service, it is used in almost all area of computing. We use cloud for data storage, data processing and computing purpose. In return we pay to cloud for using its resources. Here user is not sure whether his data is in safe hands as well as his identity is reveled with his data. In this Survey paper we enlist all the research carried out related to data security and users privacy preserving techniques in detail. Finally we proposed system which provides data ownership privacy using token generation for each user, each session and data security using RSA.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, security, Privacy, Data Ownership
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1912 - 1916
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