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Research Paper | Material Science and Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Behaviour of Dielectric properties of Liquid Crystal Mixture Doped with Ferroelectric Nanopowder
Rita A Gharde | Sangeeta Y.Thakare
Abstract: In this paper we present the results based on electro-optical and dielectric properties of Liquid Crystal (LC) mixtures, doped with ferroelectric nanoparticals (NPs) SrTiO3 in the concentration of 0.1wt %, 0.3wt % and 0.5wt % of NPs. Nanoparticles (NPs) have emerged as extremely promising materials to alter and improve the properties of Liquid crystals (LCs). It is observed that the clearing temperature of doped LC mixture is increased with increase in concentration of NPs. The electric field induced by polarized nanoparticles enhances the orientation coupling in a LC mixture results in increase of clearing temperature. The mixture of liquid crystals influences the molecular orientation of liquid crystal compound consequently affecting their physical properties. we have observed the dielectric constant, dielectric loss factor and electrical conductivity of all the samples as a function of temperature. We found the phase transition temperatures of all the samples by Fabery Perot Spectroscopy (FPSS), and Differential Thermal analysis (DTA). The textures of different mesophases of the samples are recorded by using Optical Polarizing microscopy (OPM). The LC mixtures show phase transition temperatures and other physical properties which are different from their constituents. Doping of LC mixture with 0.5 % wt of NPs concentration has improved the optical and electrical and dialectical properties of the LC mixture.
Keywords: ferroelectric liquid crystal, Nanoparticles, Fabery Perot Spectroscopy FPSS, Differential Thermal analysis DTA Optical Polarizing microscopy OPM
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 2690 - 2696
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