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Research Paper | Material Science and Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Effects of Adhesive Characteristics between Matrix and Reinforced Nanoparticle of AA6063/Carbon Black Nanocomposites
T. Prasad | A. C. Reddy
Abstract: In this paper the effects of adhesive characteristics between the matrix and the reinforced nanoparticle of AA6063/carbon black nanocomposites were analyzed through RVE models using finite element analysis software. The adhesive bond was broken between the carbon black nanoparticle and AA6063 alloy matrix in the nanocomposite when the stress was exceeded the tensile strength of the matrix. The RVE was expanded elastically away from the nanoparticle in the direction of the tensile loading. The presence voids could reduce the strength and stiffness of the nanocomposite.
Keywords: AA6063, carbon black, RVE model, nanocomposite, finite element analysis
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 1777 - 1781
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