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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
MPLNC Using Cyclic Code and Select-Max Protocol
Faizy Fazal [2] | Ann Susan Varghese [4]
Abstract: The important advantage of a wireless network compared with a wired network is its broadcast nature. The concept of network coding can be applied at the physical layer to turn the broadcast property into a capacity-boosting advantage in wireless networks. Relay is a node between the transmitter and receiver to amplify and forward (AAF) the signal. Here a cooperative coded modulation technique, namely, multi-level physical-layer network coding (MPLNC), is proposed to exploit the structure of multiuser, multilevel coding. multi level coding means the informations are transmitted at different code rate. Specifically in the MPLNC scheme proposed, both sources send information using multi level coding (MLC) and the receiver node performs PLNC and Multi stage Decoding (MSD). At the multi relay system a protocol named SELECT-MAX protocol is used. This help the relay to decide whether relaying is needed or not needed at the destination based on SNR and to select the best relay from multiple relay system. this improves the reliability and efficiency of physical layer network coding (PLNC). Also by using cyclic codes for coding will provide efficient error detection and error correction at multi level physical layer network
Keywords: PLNC, MLC, MPLNC, MSD, AF relaying, Select-MaxProtocol, Cyclic Coding
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 2005 - 2008
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