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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Effective Approach for Localizing Jammers in Wireless Sensor Network
Ashwini S. Chimankar [2] | V. S. Nandedkar [7]
Abstract: Jammers can harshly interrupt the communication in wireless network. Defender can eliminate the jamming attacks by getting the information of Jammers position. Our aim is to design a framework that localizes one or multiple jammers with a high accuracy. Almost all of existing jammer-localization methods utilize indirect measurements (like hearing ranges) that are affected by jamming attacks which does not localize jammers accurately. We use a direct measurement technique-the strength of jamming signals (JSS). The jamming signals can be embedded in other signals thus it may be difficult to estimate the JSS. We used estimation scheme based on ambient noise floor. We define an evaluation feedback metric to reduce the estimation errors and from this jammer localization problem is formulated as non linear optimization problem, whose global optimal solution is close to jammers true positions. Our error-minimizing-based framework will achieve better performance than the existing schemes. In our work we took the average jammer location obtained by centroids based method and JSS based direct measurement technique.
Keywords: localization, Jamming, radio interference
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 2294 - 2298
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