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Research Paper | Pediatrics | Macedonia | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Psychological Issues in Children with Cancer in Republic of Macedonia
Tatjana Zorcec [3] | Kata Martinova [4]
Abstract: Introduction childhood cancer diagnosis is hard emotional and psychological burden on the child and his family. Typically, parents ask for emotional support from family members and friends but in many cases their support is not sufficient and professional help provided by psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists etc. becomes essential. Aim of the study to investigate the motives of parents with children undergoing cancer treatment in Republic of Macedonia for seeking professional psychological interventions. Subjects and methods we have performed a retrospective study of the childhood cancer cases in the time period 2012-2014, diagnosed/treated at the oncology department, University Childrens Hospital in Skopje, Macedonia. Results in this period, there were 118 cases of childhood cancer. Out of this number, 52 % of the children and their families asked for a specific psychological intervention, 27 % needed just general consultation and 21 % didnt need any psychological consultations. Psychological interventions were mainly for an assistance in the adjustment process or experiencing persistent and intense distress, negative perception of self-appearance, withdrawals, tantrums, aggression, eating difficulties, emotional problems or combination of several symptoms. Conclusion childhood cancer causes serious emotional and psychological burden on the childs life and the entire family. Psychological interventions are comprehensive part of the treatment and help in achieving better outcome. Follow ups on the childs psychological state after the acute phase of the illness are necessary and prevents future development of psychological problems.
Keywords: children, cancer, psychological interventions
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 2023 - 2026
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