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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
AODV Extension Using Genetic Algorithm in VANET
Shabad Kaur | Amandeep Kaur Virk [6]
Abstract: VANET is an advance technology in which vehicles are used as mobile nodes to create a robust wireless ad-hoc network. VANET is an extended form of MANET, but moving nodes are vehicles in it. Routing protocols are the backbone of VANET. But due to its self organizing nature it degrades the performance and QoS. Thus, some optimization on network routing strategy is required. In this paper, we applied the genetic algorithm to enhance the performance of AODV. The goal of this paper is to find optimal path from source to destination and to increase the throughput of AODV. Thus our proposed algorithm has shown the better results by considering performance parameters like throughput, packet delivery ratio, packet loss. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is more efficient and improves the QOS.
Keywords: Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector AODV, Genetic Algorithm GA, Mobile Adhoc Network MANET, Quality of Services QOS, Vehicular Ad-hoc Network VANET
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 2420 - 2422
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