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Review Papers | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015
Experimental Investigation of the Suitability of Orange Peel Oil, Neem Oil and Cotton Seed Oil as Alternate Fuel for Diesel Engines: A Review
G. G. Naik | A. V. Kulkarni [2] | Dr. R. S. Jahagirdar
Abstract: In 1979 due to sudden increase in prices of the petroleum products by the supplying countries, attention was diverted to find out substitute indigenous vegetable oils as substitute fuel to diesel oil. Lot of work is going on different types of vegetable oils. The major advantage of vegetable oils as fuel is that they are non exhaustible and renewable. Since 10 years, researchers are studying on the effects of biodiesel on engine performance and emissions. The use of biodiesel leads to the substantial reduction in PM, HC and CO emissions accompanying with the imperceptible power loss, the increase in fuel consumption and the increase in NOx emission on conventional diesel engines with no or fewer modification. And it favors to reduce carbon deposit and wear of the key engine parts. Therefore, the blends of biodiesel with small content in place of petroleum diesel can help in controlling air pollution and easing the pressure on scarce resources without significantly sacrificing engine power and economy. However, many further researches about optimization and modification on engine, low temperature performances of engine, new instrumentation and methodology for measurements, etc. , should be performed when petroleum diesel is substituted completely by biodiesel. This review has been taken up for identifying the effect of blending neem oil, orange peel oil and cotton seed oil with diesel on engine performance and emissions of CI engine.
Keywords: biodiesel, Cotton seed oil, Neem oil, Orange peel oil, Performance, Emissions, alternative fuel
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015,
Pages: 536 - 542
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