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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015
Optimization of Various Performance Parameters in Micro Electrical Discharge Machining Process Using Taguchi Method
Shivendra Raghuvanshi | Dr. Pankaj Agarwal
Abstract: Now a days, the expectation is to manufacture high-quality products with low cost within a very short duration. In order to produce products with a desired quality by machining, in the influence of various parameters such as the tool wear rate, surface roughness and material removal rate should be considered. This paper presents the methodology of the Taguchi method to find the optimum parameters for obtaining a higher MRR, with a lower TWR and the minimum surface roughness in the micro-EDM process. The micro electrical discharge machining process (-EDM) has proved to be an appropriate a nonconventional and a nontraditional machining method for machining accurate and complex 3-D structural micro-parts and micro-tools which are very difficult to be produced by conventional machining methods. Which Based on ANOVA, pulse on time is found the significant factor, which affects micro electro discharge machining process. Optimized process parameters simultaneously leading to a higher MRR, lower TWR and SR are then verified through a confirmation experiment.
Keywords: EDM, Multiple performance parameters, Taguchi method, ANOVA, GRA
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015,
Pages: 655 - 658
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