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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
A Novel Customised Anti Phishing Framework for Mobile Environment
Shaik Shahid | Dasari Rajesh [6]
Abstract: Now a days many phishy websites are created by the attackers to extract all the personal information from the users. Many people use mobile internet through mobile phones. The proposed anti phishing tool to detect the phishing websites is very helpful to save the users from many fraud websites. The WIFI internet connection is used to deliver the internet service to the mobile device. We extract some main criteria and relates with the protected websites. Thus the similarities between the protected websites and the fraud websites are tested visually by various algorithms. Finally the phishing report is shown how far the obtain website is genuine. The alarm is fixed and produces an alert sound if the given website is phishy website.
Keywords: Phishing, Websites, Visualization
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 134 - 136
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