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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Privacy Preserving Authenticity Framework for Shared Data Cloud Network
P. Vanitha Sree | K. Narayana Rao [5]
Abstract: Cloud computing is continuously developing as a standard for sharing the data over the remote storage in an online cloud server. Cloud services offers great amenities for the users to enjoy the on-demand cloud applications without any obligations related to data. During the data retrieving, different users may be in a cooperative relationship, and hence data distribution becomes important. Though the users data is not accessed by unwanted sources, the others data is exposed to risk by request for sharing. Hence privacy criteria for an user is at risk as access request tends to expose all the information. In this paper, we have studied privacy-preserving authentication protocol (SAPA) to address the mentioned privacy issue for cloud storing and also trying to address to the efficiency increased by this SAPA protocol. It also designates that the proposed protocol realizing privacy-preserving data access authority sharing is most promising for multi-user collaborative cloud applications. The study and the research let us to focus on Trusted Third party mechanism. Trusted third party seems the effective measure to make sure the authentication and authorization is done with minimum interactions with cloud server.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Data Privacy, Security, Trusted Third Party
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 1724 - 1727
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