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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Security and Privacy Sustained Cloud Data Authentication using IDM
Tanniru Hemalatha | Punugoti Pavan Kumar [4]
Abstract: Cloud data sharing is an untrustworthy service where any malicious user can access the data from cloud storage and make use of it so an encryption technique is used to convert data into a unreadable format but an hacker uses an different technique to decrypt the data. So a Steganography is introducing in cloud storage centre where the group member encrypt the data and send it to the cloud server, the server receive it and hide it in to an image. Data of the different owners in the group shares data with each other securely and preserving their identity from an untrusted cloud server is one of the challenging issues currently, due to the frequent change of the membership. In this paper, we propose a secure multiowner data sharing scheme for dynamic groups in the cloud. By aid of group signature and dynamic broadcast encryption techniques, any cloud user can anonymously share data with others. In addition to the dynamic broadcast encryption techniques we are using image Steganography to store the data in the form of image in the cloud storage.
Keywords: Cloud computing, privacy-preserving, dynamic groups, data sharing, access control, image conversion
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 163 - 166
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