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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | Morocco | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Comparison of DPC methods Using Two-Level and Three-Level Rectifiers
Jawad Lamterkati | Mohamed Khafallah | Lahcen Ouboubker | Aziz Elafia
Abstract: This paper contains the evaluation and comparison between DPC methods for two-level (2-L) and three-level (3-L) AC/DC converters, in order to demonstrate de great advantages of using a three level rectifier type NPC. The theoretical principal of this methods as well as the synthesis of the active and reactive power are discussed. The regulation of DC-bus voltage is achieved using PI controller. The effectiveness of this approach is shown by simulation results using Power System Bloc set (PSB) of Matlab/Simulink.
Keywords: Direct Power Control, two-level rectifier, three-level rectifier, instantaneous active and reactive power, total power factor, switching table, corrector PI
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 336 - 343
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