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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Mitigation of Sybil Attack Using Location Aware Nodes in VANET
Dalbir Singh [2] | Manjot Kaur [8]
Abstract: VANETs also called as intelligent transportation system (ITS) in which vehicles communicate to provide timely information. Their aim is to provide security, information and management of network. Instead of their many advantages vehicular network is prone to various attacks. In this research removal of Sybil attack in which node creates its multiple identities and it can be affected by various ways. In previous work Sybil attack is prevented by using the timestamp. Every node has some time stamp to communicate with RSU in which identities are verified. If multiple identities exist then there must be an attacker. On high traffic roads there are number of vehicles for which RSU cannot process all vehicles and also vehicles have high mobility due to which timestamp may be collapse or may miss by vehicle. In previous work three methods were used to find the physical measurement of message that were Time of Arrival (TOA), Angel of Arrival (AOA), and Received Signal Strength (RSSI). In this work, we are using GPSR, Which Reduce the Chances of Attacks.
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 863 - 867
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Pages: 670 - 674