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Research Paper | Biochemistry Science | India | Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015
Comparative Study on Protein of M2 Generation in Wild Chickpea Treated with EMS and Gamma Radiation Independently and in Combination
Dr. Girish C. Kamble [3] | Dr. H. J. Petkar | Dr. A. S. Patil [2]
Abstract: The chickpea is one of important leguminous crop and India is single largest producer. The grain legumes serve as an important source of proteins as the protein content of seed is more. Therefore, the grain legume is a good substitute to animal proteins in the diet. Mutation breeding is employed to mute the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the seed protein in many crops. Legume seed proteins play an important role to enhance the nutritional quality including structure, texture, flavor and colour to food products. The present work has been undertaken to assess the mutagenic effect of gamma radiation and ethyl methane sulphonate on protein content in wild chickpea and its induced mutants in M2 generation.
Keywords: EMS, Gamma radiation, Wild chickpea, Protein, Bradford Assay
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 10, October 2015,
Pages: 2137 - 2139
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