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Research Paper | Genetics Science | Pakistan | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Candidate Gene Predictions: Bioinformatics Significance in Linkage Analysis
Naureen Aslam Khattak
Abstract: The rationale behind this review article is based on the identification of candidate genes in linkage analysis by using in-silico strategies. In recent development, it is noted that computational approaches are widely used to find out disease-causing genes. This is achieved by applying various greedy algorithms, which are constructed either on mathematical modeling, or computational search and alignment methods, or both. The advantage of computer-assisted techniques is that, it reduces the search domain of disease-causing genes which may comprise of 100 to 1000's candidate genes mapped on a single locus. In this context, the common criterion for in-silico candidate-gene identification relies on gene ontology, protein-protein interaction, sequence based features, functional annotation, data mining, and microarray-expression data. In addition to improve the disease-causing genes identification, development of disease-predicting software by incorporating existing data (wet-lab) will be a straightforward step.
Keywords: Bioinformatics, Linkage analysis, Candidate gene, Computational Method, Insilico gene identification, Gene prediction tools, Genetic disorders
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015,
Pages: 693 - 697
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