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Research Paper | Entomology | Egypt | Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015
Efficacy of Nano Isaria fumosorosea and Metarhizium flavoviride against Corn Pests under Laboratory and Field Conditions in Egypt
Sabbour M.M [3] | S.M. Singer
Abstract: The effect of nano fungus Metarhizium flavoviride show that the obtained LC50 recorded88x104, 76x104 and 106x104 spores/ml for Ostrinia nubilalis, Sesamia cretica and Chilo agamemnon respectively Results showed that the LC50 of the nano fungus Isaria fumosorosea of the corresponding insect pests recorded, 56 x104, 68 x10468 x104 and95 x104 spores/ml. , respectively the infestation of the target insect pests were significantly decreased during both successive seasons, during season 2014 the infestations of O. nubilalis were significantly decreased after 90 days to 180.2 and 221.0 in plots treated with Nano-M. flavoviride and Nano-I. fumosorosea respectively as compared to899.1 individuals in the control S. cretica significantly decreased to 190.3 and262.1 individuals when treated with and Nano-I. fumosorosea respectively as compared to 972.9 individuals in the control during season 2014. The same results obtained when C. agamemnon treated with both nano fungi. The application of the bioinsecticides which affected on decreasing the infestation, the number of infestations of O. nubilalis and Sesamia cretica significantly decreased to 202.9 and 221.1. , respectively, after treatment with M. flavoviride after 20 day as compared to 699.3 and 709.1 individual in the control for the corresponding pests, during seasons 2014. In all treatments the number of corn pests were significantly decreased. Chilo agamemnon infestation decreased to 203.3 and 253.1 individuals after 90 days during season, 2014 and 2013 as compared to 989.3 and 999.3 individuals in the control plots in both two seasons. The weight of corn in the field during season 2013, 408982.80 and 499966.73 after treatments with Nano-M. flavoviride and Nano-I. fumosorosea respectively as compared to 261133.80 in the control. The percentage of yield loss 47 % in the control and 0.1 % in the plots treated with Nano-I. fumosorosea. During season 2014 the results show that the weight of corn wer3e significantly decreased to in the control as compared to and in plots treated with Nano-I. fumosorosea and Nano-M. flavoviride. , respectively. The percentage of yield loss are 0.02 % and52 % in plots treated with Nano-I. fumosorosea and in the control
Keywords: Nano, Isaria fumosorosea, M flavoviride, Ostrinia nubilalis, Chilo agamemnon, Sesamia cretica
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 7, July 2015,
Pages: 945 - 949
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