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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
A Secure Video Encryption Technique Using Rijndael Algorithm
N. Geetha, K. Mahesh
Abstract: The transmission of digital content using the images increased consequently in past decades. Secure transmission of data through multimedia has increased much more. Hence; to ensure the security of the data to be transmitted; encryption techniques were used to convert the data into unintelligible format. Encryption takes place almost within every format; with many techniques and algorithms. In this paper; a method for encryption in video is taken place by using the AES Rijndael encryption algorithm. Instead of using the text or the images; the video encoding is taken place here. The video is converted into number of frames; which in turn converted to blocks used for encryption. The division of video resulted in images in turn this image is followed by encryption. The block cipher algorithm is used for converting frames to blocks. The Rijndael algorithm is used; because of its simplicity; efficient working syntax. Since; Rijndael algorithm is specified substitution ciphers were used to encrypt the given frames.
Keywords: Multimedia formats, Encryption, Video encryption, Frames, Block Cipher
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 5, May 2014
Pages: 1732 - 1734
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