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Survey Paper | Agricultural Economics | Ethiopia | Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Determinants of Migration and its Impact on Socio-Economic Welfare of Households in Tigrai, Ethiopia
Meron Zenaselase
Abstract: Ethiopia is one of the countries in Africa with a relatively high level of internal migration and population redistribution. Migration of rural Tigrian youth to different towns within the region was a common trend in earlier times. Population growth accompanied by poverty, lack of education and employment opportunities are the major driving forces of rural persons to migrate from the villages to towns in search of better opportunities. The incidence of poverty level in Tigray is about 32.6 % (2010/11). Since there was no clear statistical data that indicates the number of youth migrated since the means applied are variety and illegal. Hence, this study examined the macro and micro level evidences regarding magnitude and determinants of migration, and its implications on structural and socio-economic conditions of rural and urban households. The study employed 270 households with equal share of these households having migrant members and the non-migrant households. Based upon the incidence of migration in the zone, 50 percent, of the sample was allocated to three rural areas of Eastern zone and 50 percent was allocated to urban areas who were migrated near the rural areas. Three woredas from the zone, known for their high level of migration, was selected purposefully and sample households were selected randomly from the frame list of the migrant and non migrant households. The descriptive analysis of research work founds high costs of living and low level of education of migrants had created disincentives and constraints of migration to the towns. In addition, the research suggests that the reason for migrating changes across different area of destination, with Adigrat attracting the greatest flows of work- and educational-related migration which can be regarded as pull factors while in the remaining two towns Wukro and Atsibi Wenberta the grweatest flows can be regarded as push factors because of less agricultural productivity, no or less access to land and poverty. The study also finds migrants afford to send money and other resources to home. Though the remittance rate is low, the reasons might limit the benefits accruing to family members left behind. Last but not the least, the research recommends rural urban migration should be incorporated in the GTP II plan to enhance rural development and reduce poverty. The policy papers should be designed in the ways of maximizing the benefits of migration and minimizing the negative outcomes. Likewise, rural development policies should pave opportunities to enable migrants to involve in farm and non-farm investments. Non-farm enterprises serve as a means of rural livelihood diversification and reduce the pressure on land. Side by side, Vocational training should be given for rural migrants to equip them with the necessary skills and make them competitive in the non-farm labor market.
Keywords: Rural urban Migration, causes and consequences, OLS method
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 1, January 2017
Pages: 1333 - 1339
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