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Research Paper | Linguistics | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
Symbolization of Meaning of Singgi Tedongin Traditional Ceremony Merauk Tongkonan RambuTuka at Tana Toraja
Rita Tanduk, Muhammad Darwis, Tadjuddin Maknun, Moses Usman
Abstract: In Toraja language, there are two kinds of utterances daily speech and formal speech which both are used in different contexts. This research aims to see how the meaning of the symbols included in Singgi' Tedong in traditional ceremony of ordination of traditional house (Merauk Tongkonan) conducted in Tana Toraja. This study implemented a qualitative method using a literature semiotic approach by analyzing the use of a system of signs or codes to generate interpretation of the meaning of utterances. Analysis phase was done to identify image of the meaning of the symbol of ritual speech of each word uttered from the opening, the content, and the closing ceremony. Meaning of the symbols of Singgi' Tedong in Traditional Ceremony Merauk Rambu Tuka' was to invoke a blessing from God, so that the family could establish close relationships, and explain a position, status, employment, education, or lineage. The objective of this paper is to provide a structure of science in the development of local knowledge in the area of Tana Toraja generally, to enrich understanding of the use of symbolization in interaction of cultural observers, to be conservation and preservation efforts of ritual speech like Singgi' as oral literature of Tana Toraja region through the establishment of an art gallery, to be as a rule of teaching materials for education stakeholders in the development of theory in the field of oral literature especifically in Toraja.
Keywords: Utterances of Ritual Singgi, Symbol, Traditional Ceremony Rambu Tuka, symbolization, tongkonan
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2016
Pages: 2036 - 2042
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