International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Arts and Humanities | India | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10


Child Labourers of Unorganized Sector in Kadapa District: An Empirical Analysis

Dr. G. Prathap, P. Ramana, Dr. M. Ramamohan

Abstract: There is an effect of child labour on school attendance rates and the length of a childs work day is negatively associated with his or her capacity to attend school. Child labour restricts the right of children to access and benefit from education and denies the fundamental opportunity to attend school. Child labours thus prejudices childrens education and adversely affects their health and safety. Andhra Pradesh being one of the few states to implement the Minimum Wage Act (MWA) to discourage child labour, the National Commission for protection of child Rights (NCPCR) has sought its execution plan for replication in other states. The labour department has over the past 15 years, awarded penalty of Rs.5 crores to employers of 35000 children from the state under the MW Act. As we cannot forcibly keep children away from their parents, the problem has to be addressed at a much larger level by providing adequate adult employment. Point out officials. The Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act (CLPRA), 1986 only prohibits employment of children under certain specified hazardous occupations. However Folks Chairman of United States National Child Labour Committee defines child labour as any work by children that interfere with their full physical development, their opportunities for a desirable minimum of education or their needed recreation. Working children are those children who are engaged in an economic activities but are less than 14 years of age have been taken as the working children. International labour organization (ILO) defines, Child labour that includes children prematurely leading adult lives working long hours for low wages under conditions damaging their health and their physical and mental development. The economic compulsions are not found to be responsible for sending their children to work. Rather it appears either because of family size or ignorance of the parents might be the reason for sending their children to work or else, the authorities of the remuneration being offered to the child labour can also be found another reason for sending the children for labour work.

Keywords: Child Labour, Unorganized Sector, Kadapa, NCPCR

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017

Pages: 1922 - 1927

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Dr. G. Prathap, P. Ramana, Dr. M. Ramamohan, "Child Labourers of Unorganized Sector in Kadapa District: An Empirical Analysis", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017, pp. 1922-1927,, DOI: