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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Importance of Colostrum among Postnatal Mothers in Selected Hospitals
Pritama Dhale, Manjusha Mahakalkar
Abstract: A Study To Assess The Knowledge And Attitude Regarding Importance Of Colostrum Among Postnatal Mothers In Selected Hospitals Ms. Pritama Dhale1, Lect. Ms. Manjusha Mahakalkar2 1M. Sc. Nursing Student, Department of Obstetrics and GynaecologicalNursing, Smt. RadhikabaiMeghe Memorial College of Nursing, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha, Maharashtra, India.2Lecturer, Department of Obstetrical and Gynecological Nursing, Smt. Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College of Nursing, Sawangi (Meghe) Wardha, Maharashtra, India. BackgroundColostrum feeding not only provide for the fundamental nutritional Need but also the emotional need of the neonate. Establishment of lactation within one hour after birth may have important consequence for the health and development of the new born. Objectives 1. To assess the knowledge regarding importance of colostrum among postnatal mothers.2. To assess the attitude regarding the importance of colostrum among postnatal mothers.3. To correlate the knowledge score and attitude score regarding importance of colostrum among postnatal mothers.4. To associate the knowledge scores of the postnatal mother regarding importance of colostrum with selected demographic variables.5. To associate the attitude scores of the postnatal mothers regarding importance of colostrum with selected demographic variables. HypothesisH1-There is significant knowledge regarding importance of colostrum among postnatal mothers. H2-There is significant attitude of postnatal regarding importance of colostrum among postnatal mothers. H01- There is no significant attitude regarding importance of colostrum among postnatal mothers. H02- There is no significant knowledge regarding importance of colostrum among postnatal mothers. Material and MethodIn this study Descriptive Research Design was used. The samples were 100 postnatal mother. Setting of the study was selected hospitals and sampling technique was non probability convenience sampling technique. A structured questionnaire to assess knowledge and Likert scale for assessing the attitude was used to collect the data from postnatal mothers from selected hospitals. ResultsThe result shows that the level of knowledge regarding importance of colostrum were 0 % of the study subjects had poor level of knowledge score, 25 % had average, 70 % had good and 5 % had excellent level of knowledge score. The level of attitude regarding colostrum feeding were 8 % of the study subjects were strongly Agree, 64 % were agree, 28 % were uncertain and 0 % were Disagree and strongly disagree about attitude score. It was statistically interpreted that, the knowledge of study subjects regarding kidney transplantation were average (25 %) and only good (70 %) and excellent (5 %) were very less. There was no significant association between age, education, religion, occupation, previous knowledge and source of information. Conclusion The study shows that study subjects had good knowledge about importance of colostrums and they have proper attitude regarding importance of colostrum feeding. The association of knowledge scores with age, education, religion, occupation, previous knowledge and source of knowledge is not significant. The association of attitude scores with age, education, religion, occupation, previous knowledge and source of knowledge are not significant. (Postnatal mothers, Colostrums feeding, Knowledge, Attitude)
Keywords: Postnatal mothers, Colostrums feeding, Knowledge, Attitude
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 8, August 2017
Pages: 2239 - 2241
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