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Research Paper | Communication or Media Studies | Nigeria | Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
A Taxonomy of Potential Factors Determining the Performance of IT-Organizations Using Cloud Computing
Suleiman Abdullahi, Lawal Idris Bagiwa
Abstract: Cloud computing is an internet based computing environment that provides services and other computing resources for users to subscribe who only pay for the resources and services used. Cloud computing is ideal technology now a days for small and medium business organizations. The technology gives opportunity to small and medium business organizations to have access to infrastructures that they cannot afford to buy as well as compete in large business markets. . It provides attractive benefits to many public and private organizations like Pay As You Use (PAYU), fast deployment, Flexibility etc. This paper identify twenty (20) potential factors determining the performance of IT-Organization using cloud computing services and categorized these factors according to organizational or functional unit.
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Cloud Performance, Organizational performance, Cloud Performance factors
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019
Pages: 1804 - 1808
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