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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
Comparative Pushover Analysis of G+10 RC Frame in Seismic Zones of India
G. Swapna, K. Pratyusha
Abstract: Non-linear analysis is necessary to evaluate the seismic demand of the proposed or existing structure, as linear analysis is inadequate in assessing the seismic demand under severe earthquakes. In this article non-linear static analysis (pushover analysis) has been done to understand the behaviour of G+10 multi-storeyed residential building located in different seismic zones (II, III, IV, V) of India having similar geometrical properties using SAP2000. The behaviour of multi-storeyed building has been investigated in terms of force-displacement relationships, inelastic behaviour of structure and sequential hinge formations etc. Plastic hinge formation gives real behaviour of the structure. From the analysis results, it was observed that, when the zone varies from II to V, base shear, displacement and time period has been increased gradually, indicating the severity of seismic activity. In this analysis, firstly hinges were formed in beams and then in columns at ground floor of structure. The hinge formation propagates from ground floor to middle floor columns and then finally to the upper floor columns. The propagation of hinges from lower stories to upper stories leads to collapse of structure. Results indicate that, the damage in a building is limited and columns at the lower stories can be retrofitted based on the importance of the structure.
Keywords: Performance Point, Hinge Formations, Structural Displacements, Base Shear
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019
Pages: 1493 - 1497
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