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Research Paper | Education Management | India | Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Attitude of B.Ed. Student Teachers towards using Cyber Resources
Kaushal Kumar Jha, Dr Yodida Bhutia
Abstract: Cyber resources are a collection of various online resources. As we know that the quality of nation depends on the quality of human capital it has, the quality of human capital depends on the quality of education. And it is very obvious that the quality of education depends on the quality of teacher engaged in teaching work. The study used descriptive method. The study found that the B. Ed student teachers from Shillong have favorable attitude towards using cyber resources. Gender and locale do not affect the attitude of BEd teacher trainees towards cyber resources however those who possess own computer have significantly favorable attitude as compared to those B Ed student teachers not possessing own computers. The student teachers have felt the need to use cyber resources for obtaining knowledge, further reading, now it is important to teach them about ethical use of the cyber resources.
Keywords: cyber resources, attitude, BEd student teachers
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019
Pages: 1088 - 1093
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