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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | Bangladesh | Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Pushover Analysis of RCC Buildings with Different Types of Shear Walls and Different Number of Spans by Frame Elements Based Model Method
Md. Mohiuddin Ahmed, Aysha Akter, Subrata Roy
Abstract: There are several types and shapes of shear walls depending mainly on geometry and height of the building. Both type and shape of the shear wall affect the efficiency of resisting lateral loadings. Shear walls are effective structural elements used mainly in multi-story buildings to provide resistance against lateral loadings such as earthquake and wind loadings. In this study, analytical investigation of regular shape building situated in seismic zone II of Bangladesh have been done by pushover analysis to identify the seismic demand and also pushover analysis is performed to determine the performance levels of the building with different shear walls. All Shear walls are modeled by single column model method. The performance levels and drift ratios are compared for 16 building models in both X and Y directions by using ETABS 2016 version. In this study pushover analysis based on FEMA-356 capacity spectrum method employed to analyze the building models. Pushover analysis result shows that double middle core and middle core buildings are more suitable than side shear wall and edge core buildings. All the plastic hinges developed in the buildings are in life safety performance levels. Also the building showed a weak beam and strong column behavior.
Keywords: Pushover analysis, performance levels, shears walls, Frame Elements Based Model
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019
Pages: 788 - 792
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