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Research Paper | Mathematics | India | Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
A Mathematics Letter Lecture Note on Some Variety of Algebraic Γ-Structures
Abul Basar
Abstract: Algebraic -structures represent a natural generalization of classical algebraic struc- tures. Results studied in semigroups are particular cases of those studied in -semigroups as every semigroup is a -semigroups but not vice-versa. This research paper is based on the introduction and initiation of rectangular -semigroups, quasi-rectangular -semigroups, total -semigroups, viable -semigroups and idempotent -semigroups. Among lots of results, we prove that a rect- angular -semigroup is the direct product of a left singular and a right singular -semigroups. Moreover, this product is unique up to isomorphism.
Keywords: semigroup, rectangular bands, rectangular semigroup, total semigroup, viable semigroup, quasi-rectangular -semigroup, singular semigroup, ideal
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
Pages: 113 - 117
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