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Research Paper | Agriculture | Kenya | Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Wheat Spikelet Length Response to Phosphate Fertilizers on Acid Soils in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya
P. R. Simatwo, P. S. Oluko, S. Kebeney
Abstract: The study aimed at investigating response of wheat spikelet length, grain yield, grains per spikelet, and soil chemical properties as influenced by liming at 2tha-1 (main plots), P sources NPK (23: 23: 0), DAP (18: 46: 0), and SSP (0: 20: 0) (SSP) - (sub-plots) and, P rates (sub sub-plots) P0; 0 kg P ha-1, P1; 8.8 kg Pha-1, P2; 17.6 kg Pha-1 and P3; 26.4 kg Pha-1. A split-split plot arrangement laid out in a RCBD experiment was set up in two county sites; Chepkoilel and Kipsangui in 4 m2 plots, replicated 3 times. Data collected on spikelet length, grain per spikelet and grain yields were subjected to ANOVA using SAS 9.1 for Windows 2012 statistical package. Separation of means was done at 95 % confidence level using Tukeys. Lime application significantly increased (p0.05) the spikelet length and grains/spikelet in both Chepkoilel and Kipsangui. Phosphorus rich fertilizer NPK application resulted in a significant (p0.001) increase in spikelet length and grains/spikelet in Chepkoilel and Kipsangui. NPK at 26.4 kg P/ha yielded a significantly high grains/spikelet (37.0k and 36.17g grains/spikelet) in Kipsangui and Chepkoilel respectively. The study recommends NPK (23: 23: 0) fertilizers at a rate of 26.4 kg P ha-1 for Chepkoilel and Kipsangui plus lime at 2tha-1 as most effective in improving spikelet length, grain per spikelet and grain yield.
Keywords: soil acidity, Spikelet length, Lime, wheat, Phosphorus
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020
Pages: 877 - 884
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