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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
A Noble Technique for Digital Image Watermarking Authentication Using Fuzzy Mean Clustering
Rohit Singh, Pancholi Bhavna K.
Abstract: As we all know that in this modern era of technology, digitization and the internet are very convenient and useful for industrial progress and even for personal users but the main issue is with the shortcomings of security. For instant, private contents are difficult to protect and fake versions of image and videos can be produced. To avoid this suffering digital watermarking provides effective solutions with high level of security. The following work presents a similar but effective image watermarking technique which uses a noble method of fuzzy mean clustering to secure the original contents with proper authentication of a copyright which cannot be easily duplicated. This method shows experimentally that the original image is highly robust against any attacks and even the image degradation is negligibly low. In this proposed method, we dont have to select the embedded bits manually but according to image properties it dynamically selects the embedding bits. Due to this unique feature the original image posses high security and makes the document immune to attacks.
Keywords: Image Watermarking, Authentication, Discrete Cosine Transform, Discrete Wavelet transform, Fuzzy mean Clustering
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
Pages: 207 - 209
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