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Research Paper | Ocean Engineering | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Identification of Ocean Currents Potential Energy in Lombok Strait Based on Electric Turbine Scenarios
Rizal F. Abida, Widodo S. Pranowo, Engki A. Kisnarti
Abstract: Lombok Strait is traversed by the Indonesian Through-Flow (ITF). ITF is a huge volume of seawater mass originated from the Pacific Ocean flowing into the Indian Ocean. An oceanographic mooring is deployed during 2004-2007 to study the ITF. One of the outcome, ocean current data is used for an advance experiment to derive a renewable energy potential. A Matlab Toolbox, called T-Tide, is employed to filtering harmonic and non-harmonic ocean currents. It reveals that Lombok Strait has an optimum velocity of 2.0235 m/s at 45 m depth for hydropower. Energy conversion, using Fraenkel's formula, of its current velocity that using turbine Gorlov's scenario (35% efficiency) can produce a biggest energy (1589, 666 kWh). By using scenario of Darrieus turbine (23.5% efficiency) can produce 3, 741.99 kWh. Another turbine scenario of In-plane Axis (20% efficiency) can produce 3, 184.672 kWh.
Keywords: ocean currents, potential energy, Lombok strait, electric turbine scenarios, t-tide
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
Pages: 1158 - 1162
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