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Research Paper | Surgery | India | Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
PSAD: A Better Diagnostic Tool to Detect Early Carcinoma Prostate
Dr. Monawwer Ala, Dr K. V. Chidananda, Dr. Gopinath Pai, Dr. MD Hussainuddin Madni
Abstract: BACKGROUND Carcinoma of prostate gland is the most common malignancy above 65 yrs of age in men. Most patients with early-stage Ca prostate are asymptomatic. It is important to detect Ca prostate at an early stage so that mortality due to this malignancy can be minimized. The use of PSA to screen patients who are at the highest risk has been controversial. PSAD (prostate specific antigen density) (PSA/Vol) can be used as a better diagnostic tool in early detection of Ca Prostate. AIMS AND OBJECTIVE 1) To evaluate the diagnostic value of PSA Density in pre-operative differentiation of benign and malignant prostatic diseases.2) To evaluate the correlation of PSA density with histopathological examination reports in Prostatic carcinoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia patients. METHODOLGY In the present study110 patients from Surgery Department KVG Hospital with urinary obstructive and /or irritative symptoms were screened for prostatic diseases by DRE, blood PSA (ng/ml) estimation, prostatic volume by Transabdominal ultrasonography and Prostatic biopsy by FNAC or Trucut Biopsy. PSAD was correlated with HPE. Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy of PSAD for diagnosing malignant prostatic diseases is analysed. CONCLUSION DRE can be used as screening method which can be aided by PSAD as a diagnostic tool for early detection of ca prostate, especially in patients with PSA in range of 3-10ng/ml.
Keywords: PSA, PSAD, Prostate
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020
Pages: 279 - 282
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