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Research Paper | Food Science | India | Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Association of Fast Food Consumption to Weight Status of Adolescents
Anjali Devi C
Abstract: Fast foods have become very popular among all age groups. The present study is done to assess the consumption pattern of fast foods (western foods, junk foods, instant foods) among adolescents prior to corona virus outbreak. This cross sectional study was done in Hyderabad (Telangana state). The study group consisted of 230 boys and girls studying 10, 11th, 12th and intermediate first and second year in the age group of 14-19 years, belonging to middle income and high income groups. Semi structured questionnaire was used to collect information. Frequency of consumption fast foods was recorded. Height and weight was taken using standard scales and BMI calculated. The Consumption of fast foods daily ranged between 4.8 percent to 15.2 percent for French fries, vegetable or chicken Manchuria, and fried rice, and chocolates by 28.3 percent. Among liquid foods, packed fruit juices are taken by 21.7 percent which is a healthy sign. Body Mass Index of boys and girls indicate 44.8 percent boys and 36.8 percent girls are under the normal category, in the overweight category boys are 41.2 percent and girls are 32.2 percent while 11.2 percent boys and 23 percent girls are obese. Girls are more than boys in the obese group which is of great concern and requires planning ameliorative measures. Girls consuming fast food once a day are overweight while boys consuming fast foods once a day are distributed between normal and overweight categories. Among girls bad choice of fast foods or no proper exercise could be the contributing factor to overweight.
Keywords: Fast foods, Junk foods, Western foods, Body Mass Index, obese
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020
Pages: 405 - 407
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