International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Review Papers | Physics | Switzerland | Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020 | Rating: 6.4 / 10

The Age of Moral and Character: The Awakening of Man

Ilija Lakicevic [41]

Abstract: There was in Egypt some 8, 000 years B. C. to 4, 000 years B. C. a civilization of GOOD, MORAL and CHARACTER. It was in Egypt that the awakening of the Light in man first took place. When one man pleased another, he found a name for it. He called it GOOD - or MAAT in his language. The first principle which developed from that code of ethics, which brought him happiness when obeyed, was this: When you do that which makes you loved by men, it is GOOD. The One Solar God, who was introduced by the young pharaoh Akhnaton IV, became the basis of the monotheistic religion which followed through the entirety of Egyptian life until the early Hebrews discarded it for a personal God who recognized the Hebrew race as his chosen people. When this transition took place, this god of the Jews changed his nature from the Creator of GOOD to the lover of bloodshed and punisher of evil. From that day, the altars of the Jews ran with the blood of thousands of animals which were sacrificed as appeasement for the sins committed by those who paid the priests of the temple for the sacrifices - those ones still expect ANOTHER to sacrifice in their stead. To this very day, the great majority of the human race accepts this pagan doctrine of an already fallen race in preference to the Solar God concept of a Creator of GOOD which shed His light and heat upon the world to create all that IS good for the needs of all Creation. The human race had been gradually falling away from ethical practices, which are the basis of character and righteousness, because of the slow advent of materialism, avarice, greed and individualism which crept into human thinking when desire for possessions and personal power crept into the first unified social order of history. The only hope now for saving this civilization is by restoring a system of ethics which will rebuild character, honor, dignity and righteousness into the human race.

Keywords: God of GOOD, Age of character, dawn of consciousness, religion, awakening of man

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020,

Pages: 375 - 397

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