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Research Paper | Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences | Sudan | Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Volumetric Analysis of the Paranasal Sinuses using CT among Chronic Sinusitis Conditions
Abbas Omer, Mohamed Yousef, Mohammed A. Ali Omer, Mogahid M.A Zidan, Wafaa Abbas
Abstract: The volume of air sinuses offers values that are more accurate and closest to their natural measurements and contributes to diagnosing sinus pathologies. The study aimed to compare paranasal sinus volumes of chronic rhinosinusitis patients to unaffected controls in Saudi Arabia using Computerized tomography scans (n=151), which processed by axial manual segmentation of the air sinuses using a 3D Slicer Program to construct a three dimensional (3D) volume model of each PAS bilaterally. The sample consisted of 50 normal controls and 101 patients with chronic sinusitis (73 males and 78 females, age ranging from 1 to 83 years). They were divided into two age groups: > 20 years (43) and<20 years (108). The result showed that: the commonly involved gender with sinuses pathologies was the female, with a 53.5 % relative to male. The chronic sinusitis infected older ages (>20 years old) with a percent of 81.18 % more than the younger one (<20 years old) with a percent of 18.81 %. The commonly involved sinuses were the maxillary sinus, ethmoidal, frontal, and the sphenoidal sinuses. The mean bilateral maxillary and ethmoid sinus volumes in the chronic sinusitis patients were smaller than that in the normal or control group, also reveals that the mean bilateral frontal and sphenoid sinus volumes in the chronic sinusitis patients were similar to the normal or control group.
Keywords: Paranasal Sinuses, chronic sinusitis, volumetric, CT
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020
Pages: 1550 - 1554
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