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Comparative Studies | Physical Education | India | Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022 | Popularity: 5 / 10
Comparative Study of Leadership Style among Selected Team Games
Preeti Tyagi, Dr. Sarita Tyagi
Abstract: Researcher conducted Comparative Study of Leadership style among selected team Games which are Football, Handball, Hockey and Volleyball. Target population was Male who was above 18 years and Represented at least Nationals from any State of India. Total 600 sports person were selected of these four Games, each Game 150 players. Data collected by Random purposive sampling Method and data analysis was done at 0.05 level of significance. Tool used for the study was Leadership style of Sports (LSS) questionnaire designed by Chelladurai and Saleh (1980) which consist of 40 questions with 5 different types of leadership styles. For the study Descriptive Statistics and one-way Anova was computed. Descriptive Statistics shows M?SD Training and Instruction 3.51?.905, Democratic Behavior 3.44?.92, Autocratic Behavior 3.45?.82, Social Support3.37?.79 and Positive Behavior 3.22?.755, Which shows That Training and instruction is much popular type of leadership Style among Coaches from Athletes perspective and Positive Behavior is least common. One-way Anova revealed that there are significant differences in all the 5 types of Leadership styles adopted by Coach (Athlete?s Perspective) in selected sports. Types of leadership style which were found significant areas, Training and Instruction at F (3, 597)=48.383, P<.05, Democratic Behavior at F (3, 597)=41.836, P<.05, Autocratic Behavior at F (3, 597)=20.835, P<.05, Social Support at F (3, 597)=44.572, P<.05, Positive Behavior at F (3, 597)=20.470, P<.05. Post hoc schefee was also computed due to significant difference results in one-way ANOVA, which shows significant differences in all five dimensions in handball and other games. This study will help the coaches to understand their type of leadership they follow to train their teams and the type of leadership which gives more results by Corroborate more researches done in this area to bring better results for teams.
Keywords: Leadership Style, Training and Instruction, Democratic Behavior, Autocratic Behavior, Social Support, Positive Behavior
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022
Pages: 1855 - 1858
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