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Research Paper | Education Management | Madagascar | Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
Counting the Costs: The Economic and Social Impact of School Dropout in Madagascar
Lira Malalaniony Razafijaona, Zo Andrianina Fanantenana Raherimandimby, Rafalimanana Victor
Abstract: This article addresses the issue of the social cost of school dropout in Madagascar. Despite education being considered one of the main pillars of economic development, the dropout rate remains high, with approximately 1 in 9 children dropping out of school before completing their studies. The external effects of school dropout are significant and require a monetary evaluation, as young people who drop out often have difficulty finding stable and well-paid employment, which can harm their families and lead them into poverty and precariousness. In addition, young dropouts often struggle to integrate into society, which can result in significant costs for themselves, society, and the state. The article examines the different dimensions of the social cost of school dropout and evaluates the social costs of early school leaving by young dropouts. It also presents various strategies for combating school dropout and promoting academic success, taking into account the specificities of each situation. Using an economic approach, the article analyzes the direct and indirect costs of school dropout and explores the factors that contribute to dropping out of school.
Keywords: school dropout, social cost, economic development, precariousness, employment, monetary evaluation, social integration
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023
Pages: 2056 - 2060
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