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Analysis Study Research Paper | Environmental Biology | India | Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024 | Popularity: 4.5 / 10
Quality of Lentic Water of Makani Pond in Latur District, Maharashtra
Jadhav S. S.
Abstract: The major consumptive use of water is for agriculture purpose and particularly for irrigation in the world. But in some areas irrigation is a problem because of scanty water. In some places water must be piped hundreds of kilometers for irrigation requires great deal of energy. The presently lake is used for domestic, irrigation purpose and drinking purpose. The present study deal on lake, which is situated at village Makani district Latur. The present study undertaken to study of physic chemical parameters of A Makani pond water to study like dissolved oxygen, hydrogen ion concentration, chlorides, total solids, sodium, calcium, potassium and hardness.
Keywords: Fresh water pond, physic chemical Characteristics
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024
Pages: 256 - 257
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